

by Henri & Sebastian

Lego Friends 

Produced in partnership with 1stAveMachine, in this amazing new spot for LEGO, Henri & Sebas have put together a multimedia extravaganza. In a rapid-fire montage of vivid 3D animation, 2D animation, and beautifully art directed live-action, we see them explore the cube motif of LEGO’s latest product..


Client Creative Directors Heidi Bennett - Mai Winther Løgsted Client Producer Ashley Baker Directors Henri & Sebastian Creative Director Tomi Dieguez Lead Designer Lucie Red Producer Mike Capon Editorial Company Ark Edit EP Kerry Smart - Leticia Christoph - Lautaro Brunatti Line Producer Leticia Christoph & Mechi Serrano Post-Production Coordinator Cynthia Mendez Art Direction Mechi Lopez DP Jordan Buck Design Sebastian Morales - Fede Maks - Rocío Galarza - Eduardo Escalante - Matufia Animation Facu Labo Simulation Stato - José Gallardo Post-Production VFX Supervisor Nicolas Tarela Editor David Maruchniak Color Correction Petimento - Rodrigo Silvestri.

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